On our platform, we offer a wide selection of quality products for your business in the hospitality industry, bars, restaurants, cafes and shops. We ship all over Europe, and have a wide range of suppliers in addition to our own brand, FAICO, to make sure we bring you the best products.
INNOVATIVE delicatessen products, as well as the usual products such as wines, hams, sausages, fish, pickles and frozen seafood.
Buy wholesale online and discover a unique experience for your business!

Distribution to the HoReCa channel
At Faincost we strive to ensure that the best products of Spanish gastronomy reach your establishments in optimum conditions.
To do this, we have our own logistics, and a wide selection of innovative products without underestimating the best of our traditional gastronomy, from hams, shoulders, sausages and Iberian meats to fish and seafood from our coasts and the best selection of preserves and pickles.
On our platform you can buy products from our suppliers, brands, as well as our own brand FAICO, products developed by the hand of our leading suppliers. Wholesale online everything you need for your #Hotel/ #Bar, #Restaurant/ #Cafeteria or #Shop.
And finally, something that could not be missed being in Spain; Our Wine, ianoa and other exceptional wines.